Monday, August 20, 2012

Metafora Dakwah : Tertutup Vs Terdedah

Via Jameel Sunnih Islam

[Nak best baca yg bawah, versi English]
Lelaki British 

bertanya kepada Syeikh:
Lelaki : Kenapa dalam Islam perempuan tidak boleh bersalaman dengan lelaki?
Syeikh : boleh kamu bersalam dengan Ratu Elizabeth (Permaisuri)?
Lelaki : Sudah tentu tak bleh..hanya orang2 tertentu sahaja bleh bersalaman
dgn Ratu Elizabeth tu..
Syeikh : Perempuan dalam Islam adalah Permaisuri kami & permaisuri tidak
boleh bersalaman dengan orang lelaki asing..

Lelaki British bertanya lagi..
lelaki: kenapa perempuan perlu menutup badan & rambut mereka?
(tutup aurat)

Syeikh tersenyum & mengambil 2 biji gula2.. Syeikh membuka satu gula2 tu & membiarkan satu lagi tidak dibuka sampulnya.. lalu melemparkan keatas lantai yg kotor berabuk & bertanya kepada lelaki British td..

Syeikh : jika saya minta kamu mengambil gula2 tu, mana satu yg kamu akan ambil..^_^
lelaki British : sudah tentu gula2 yg tidak dibuka sampul td..
Syeikh: begitulah juga kami (islam) memandang & menetapkan martabat wanita2 Islam kami.. ^_^

A British man came to Sheikh and asked: Why is it not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man? The Sheikh said: Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth? British man said: Of course not, there are only certain people who can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth. Sheikh replied: our women are queens and queens do not shake hands with strange men.

Then the British man asked the Sheikh:... Why do your girls cover up their body and hair? The Sheikh smiled and got two sweets, he opened the first one and kept the other one closed. He threw them both on the dusty floor and asked the British: If I asked you to take one of the sweets which one will you choose? The British replied: The covered one. The Sheikh said: that’s how we treat and see our woman..

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